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Writing Team

The OHS Writing Team is for 9th-12th grade students who want to expand their writing skills and participate in writing competitions in person and online in various genres. This is an opportunity to do interesting activities that will help you to develop powers of expression in speech, collaboration, but particularly in writing. We meet to discuss upcoming events and opportunities for contests and competitions. Members in 10th, 11th, and 12th grades participate in the JSU Writers Bowl at JSU during the fall semester. Participating on the Writing Team looks great on a resume, and some contests have cash or scholarship prizes.

Goal: To provide positive and non-threatening opportunities to develop writing skills. 

Activities: creative writing, journal writing, discussion groups; attending the JSU Writers Bowl during fall semester; events to showcase member products; participating in writing contests, locally, state-wide, and nationally.

Membership: Once on the team in 9th grade, you stay on the team until you graduate unless you have failing grades and/or discipline infractions that would remove you from any/all extracurricular activities. 

Fees:  There is a team fee of $30.00. We also design and purchase t-shirts that will cost an additional fee.

Meetings: Take place during Jackets’ Nest